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John Lawrence Maerz

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UNWINDING THE KARMIC WHEEL: The Journey from Survival to Compassion - Our life journey is profoundly affected by the intentions and directions of our parents and caretakers, often with seemingly catastrophic results. The career not taken, the marriage not consummated are only two choices colored by the emotional distortions we might have been trained to believe about ourselves as a result of having unconditional faith and trust in the wisdom and omniscience we have attributed to our parents and caretakers in our formative years. But these conditions are merely “stage-setters” for the lessons we need to learn.


What if we are raised with love and acceptance for who we are not who we are supposed to be? Learn to recognize and disarm what might have led us to feel “toxic shame” and to create our “Shadow” leading us to doubt ourselves instead of building the courage, self-worth and confidence in creating a fuller and more rewarding life. Paperback. 275 pages. ISBN# 978-1-7372493-3-7. $17.95. Purchase Now



IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF IT: Heaven, Hell & the Many Faces of Enlightenment & Ascension - When we come into this life the degree of our spiritual awareness thus far becomes the force that pulls us into our current earthly lineage. We may become aligned with or against its traditions. This lineage provides a landscape and perspective to encourage us toward choosing a specific career and lifestyle. The intention is to bring the necessary experiences needed to expand our current spiritual growth and consciousness.


With this indoctrination in place, now comes the awesome task of returning to the spiritual state we were in before our incarnation. When or if this occurs, we are said to have become enlightened and accomplished in our spiritual ascension.


"In the World but Not Of It" examines time honored disciplines and religions that show the traditional patterns prescribed for our personal behavior. This will give us the understanding of how to release erroneous beliefs and emotional patterns that have led toward our worldly entrapment. Included are explanations about energy dynamics, intuition, emotion, and empathy. You will also learn how to avoid the many triggers and pitfalls that might send us back into worldly bondage. Truly a practical manual for leading one back into Enlightenment and Ascension. Paperback. 167 pages. ISBN# 978-1-7372493-1-3. $15.95. Purchase Now



PLOYS FOR DOMINANCE: A Guide for Recognizing & Disarming Manipulation --Are there times you feel manipulated? Are there times you feel like you’re being conned but can’t quite put your finger on how? Many of us often feel as if our lives are not our own. Often it seems like others just have a way of getting under our skin and making us feel that we should be doing what they think is best. Sometimes, they even make us doubt our own capacity for taking care of ourselves.


If you’ve felt this way, you’re not alone. These perceptions signal our susceptibility to manipulators and con artists. Some of them are even members of our own family. We have the ability to recognize their ploys and disarm their potential.    


Manipulators have a plethora of ways to make us feel that we either owe them, know less or that they have the only solution for what ails us. They also have a sixth sense for knowing who they can con most easily. What is not known is that they feel the same occasional sense of unworthiness as we do but are much better at hiding and working around it through their aggression.


Recognizing their ploys in the moment is our primary challenge. Our secondary challenge is learning to trust ourselves and knowing that they’re not the only game in town. We have everything we need to be and do what we want. We must just learn how to turn off our susceptibility to them and empower our own Self-Trust and confidence.  Paperback. 159 pages. ISBN# 978-0-9864364-37 $15.99 Purchase Now



OUT OF THE BOX: 7 Elements for Raising a Self-Directing Child - We all feel proud when our children come to us for advice. But is their decision-making process really a result of their own experience and thinking or ours?  And if they don’t come to us, where else will they go? Their peers? The media? Their teachers? Their pastor? Odds are, all these different sources will have a vested interest in what they do. Can we really know what’s best for our children in the long run? Is there truly a right and wrong way to do things? Probably not.


Our culture tells us that we should think for ourselves, yet, ostracizes those who don’t align with the “good” of our clan or social group. In aligning, we train our children to seek advice and permission for all important decisions from only the authorities we respect and honor. Granted, we want our children to live in harmony and follow the laws and rules that keep things running smoothly but to what extent is it healthy to follow only what has been prescribed by our culture? At what point does it interfere with their creativity and ability to be self-directing? In guiding them we must develop the courage to allow them to surpass us in what we have become and accomplished. Out of the Box gives us the tools to enable our children to do just that; become self-directing and helps us to assist them in choosing what they think and feel is best. Paperback. 120 pages. ISBN 978-0986436475. $14.95.

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ENERGIZING SELF-TRUST: 7 Steps for Reclaiming Your Power—In our Western culture dysfunctional families we are raised within a maze of undercurrents & adages used to keep us in a role of performing the self-diminishing behaviors needed to cover for our parent’s unconsciously believed inadequacies. From adolescence on we then move into the world attracting relationships that repeat & even seek out the same self-devaluing rapport we had with difficult parents & guardians growing up. This has a devastating effect on our present & future ability to participate honestly in new relationships let alone to gather enough energy & consistency in our motivation to pursue what our hearts might have been inspired to be & do. Let Energizing Self-Trust assist you in forming alternate paths revitalizing your most secret desires & ambitions without the fear of undeserved shame, inhibition or distracting social obligations. Energizing Self-Trust will enhance your confidence through using a series of simple steps utilizing self-observations & making small changes in presenting yourself to the world. Reclaiming the self-trust and confidence lost in your childhood will then become easy through using these simple steps that replace undesirable and inertia bound emotional patterns with new experiences and new self-assessments that will make your motivation come alive with a new feeling of freedom and consistency. Paperback. 201 pages ISBN 978-0986436451. $15.97

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A MILE IN YOUR SHOES: The Road to Self-actualization Through Compassion -  Our approach to life is profoundly affected by the intentions and directions of our parents and caretakers, often with catastrophic results. The career not taken, the marriage not consummated are only two choices colored by the emotional distortions we might have come to believe about ourselves as a result of having faith and trust in the wisdom and omniscience we attributed to our parents and caretakers in our formative years. The “sins of the father” is a dominant theme leading to the necessity of our removing the biblical “mote in our eye” before we are able to clearly see enough to learn compassion and be willing to grace others with the love and acceptance we might have missed as children. What if we were raised with love and acceptance for who we were not who we were supposed to be? Understand what might have led us to feel shame and create the shadow that led us to doubt ourselves while building the courage, motivation and confidence in creating a fuller and more rewarding life. Paperback. 171 pages. ISBN 978-1-105-95262-3 $16.95 Purchase Now 











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